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Counselor's Corner 10.21.19

10/20/2019 7:24 am




October 21, 2019


A huge THANK YOU to PTO Health and Welfare mothers, Mary Tanner and Lacy Frenzel for all their work on our Walk to School day and our Red Ribbon Week activities this month. Walk to School day is one of my favorite things as we start the day with a little exercise, fellowship with our friends, parents, teachers and Coppell Police officers, and a healthy snack! The kids enjoyed the apple slices as they happily arrived to school after their walk! It was a fun morning for sure that encouraged us to make those healthy choices!


Our Red Ribbon Week activities this week continue our focus on health, safety and making good choices for our bodies and our brains! I have begun teaching the district’s curriculum “Too Good for Drugs”. This program, designed by the Mendez Foundation is a grade appropriate prevention program that teaches skills for living healthy, drug free lives. The skills taught include: goal setting, decision making, effective communication, peer pressure refusal, identifying and managing emotions, stress management, understanding the safe use of prescription and OTC medicines and the effects of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Many of the skills taught in this drug prevention program are aligned with our current guidance curriculum. Parent involvement is an important part of the program as the
foundation reports that children are twice as likely to learn, remember and use these skills when their parents are involved! You will see bright yellow “Home Workout” sheets from time to time which will provide opportunities to reinforce the skills at home, while having some special time with your child/children to talk about these important topics.


Pinkerton will begin collecting laundry detergent for Metrocrest Services the week of 10/28 – 11/1. Collection boxes will be near the library doors. Metrocrest is an amazing resource for families in need in our community. Let’s help them stock the shelves with detergent!

As always, if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance, please feel free to contact me at kkirkley@coppellisd.com or 214 496-6812.
